Monday, September 28, 2009


September 28, 2009

His name is Peter Peters…really, no joke, that’s his real name.

He sat slightly slouched in front of me by his son at the college volleyball game this week. He was weathered from the years and sporting both hearing aids and cane. Though a senior member of the Geritol Generation, he was very attentive, engaged and conversant. Still, he is one that you could easily pass by without much notice.

Yet, his story transfixed me. I was humbled and awed.

The man lives with intention. At 97, he is still pressing ahead with goals and has a purpose statement each year that guides him. This year he wants to talk face to face with each of his grandchildren and great grandchildren to challenge them about life. Still trying to impact the lives of others. Amazing!!!

Most people never see the other side of 90 and if they make it that far they would be thrilled just to be breathing, eat soft foods and to think clearly let alone get around with some measure of health. But to set goals at 97 for what you want to accomplish that year? Extraordinary!

Then I felt it hit me…a strange mixture of being humbled and challenged. Would anything be a valid excuse for me not to be more intentional with my life? Wow, if anyone has an excuse for taking it easy, Pete would.

This is not about giving tribute to unusual man. It is about you and me and making the most of the days God gives us. It’s the challenge to make no more excuses, no more justifications, no more mere intentions. Instead, it’s about living intentional – believing you are here for a purpose and to make a difference with your life.

The good book has it pretty clear in when it states “The length of our days is seventy years— or eighty, if we have the strength; Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. “ (Psalm 90).

The heart of wisdom comes from realizing we have a limited number of times the monthly calendar will turn. We need to use our time wisely and with purpose.

Someone has said, “if you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” What are your goals? What is your purpose for this year? What are you aiming at?

Remember this Peter Principle- make a decision to make a difference every year of your life.

Never let purpose die. Live with the perennial spirit of anticipation and accomplishment. If you have breath, you have life and opportunity. Believe you can make a difference. Give yourself away…care for somebody.

Live each day driven by a sense of your destiny. Do whatever our Creator has called you to do and do it with all you might!

Don’t Peter out…he isn’t! Make your life count!


  1. Loved this posting! What a challenge! Thanks Dave!

  2. Hi Dave, Thanks for the great post. You have been on my heart and in my prayers since the four of us had dinner. I really do feel God gave me a word for you that night, and I have been praying for the work God has for you. Be confident. Believe. Trust in him. Thank you for you profound words. Lynda Williams

  3. You and Brent were a gift to us...Thank you back at you!

  4. This post is great. Really great! Thanks for your words, and sharing your heart openly with the world! God bless you.
